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Understanding Life Insurance

Secure Your Future with Landolt Financial

Life insurance is more than just a policy; it’s a cornerstone of comprehensive financial planning. At Landolt Financial, we offer tailored life insurance solutions to protect your loved ones and ensure your financial goals are met, even in your absence. Explore our detailed graphs below to see the tangible benefits of securing a life insurance policy with us, including the key differences between term and permanent insurance options.

Are there different types of Life Insurance?

There are 2 basic types of life insurance coverage: term and permanent. Each has unique features designed to meet different needs.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific duration, like 10, 20, or 30 years, making it a cost-effective choice compared to permanent life insurance. Initially designed to protect lenders from losses due to borrower’s death, term insurance suits short-term coverage needs, such as loans, which is why banks often require it for mortgages. While premiums remain fixed during the term, they can rise significantly afterward. However, most policies offer the option to convert to a permanent plan, ensuring coverage continuation despite health changes. This flexibility and affordability make term insurance a tailored solution for temporary insurance requirements.

Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance offers guaranteed lifelong coverage, making it a cornerstone of financial planning. Unlike term insurance, which is temporary, permanent insurance provides enduring protection and the potential to accumulate cash value over time. This cash can be accessed via loans or withdrawals, offering financial flexibility with certain tax benefits. Each policy is tailored to meet different needs, ensuring there’s a suitable option for everyone. Upon your passing, your beneficiaries receive a tax-free payout, securing their financial future. This makes permanent life insurance a comprehensive solution for long-term security and wealth-building.

Compare Term vs. Permanent Insurance

Term Life Insurance

What does it provide?

Temporary Protection

How can it help?

  • Replace lost income
  • Cover debt and funeral expenses
  • What's the cost?

    Typically the most affordable type of insurance

    Investment Options?



  • You choose who receives a tax-free one-time payment when you die
  • Permanent Life Insurance

    What does it provide?

    Long-term protection

    How can it help?

  • Replace lost income
  • Cover debt and funeral expenses
  • Build wealth
  • Estate Planning
  • What's the cost?

    Usually more expensive than term life insurance

    Investment Options?



  • You choose who receives a tax-free one-time payment when you die
  • Build wealth inside your policy, within limits, that you can access during your life
  • How much does it cost?

    The cost of life insurance varies depending on the type of coverage you select. Generally, term insurance is more affordable than permanent insurance. However, several factors influence the price of your policy, including:


    Life insurance is usually cheaper when you’re younger. It’s all about risk—the younger you are, the less risky it is for insurance companies.


    Your health plays a big role too. Things like your family health history, any long-term health issues, or even your lifestyle choices can affect how much you pay.


    Since women generally live longer than men, they might pay a bit less for life insurance.


    If your job is on the adventurous or risky side, expect to pay more for life insurance. Higher risks at work mean higher premiums.

    Secure Your Future Today

    Ready to take the next step in securing your financial future? Contact Landolt Financial for expert guidance in personalized financial planning and insurance services tailored to your needs.