Protecting Your Home Investment

Mortgage Insurance

Discover how Landolt Financial can help secure your most important asset—your home. Learn how our mortgage insurance options can contribute to your financial resilience and ensure long-term security for your family.

Understanding Mortgage Insurance

What is mortgage insurance?

Mortgage insurance offers financial protection against the unexpected. If you’re unable to meet your mortgage payments due to death or a critical illness, this insurance ensures that your family won’t lose their home. It’s about securing the roof over their heads when they need stability the most.

Why choose mortgage insurance?

1. Security for your family

Mortgage insurance ensures that your family can remain in their home without the financial burden of the outstanding mortgage in the event of your death.

2. Flexible coverage options

Choose from a range of coverage options that can be tailored to your needs and circumstances. Whether you’re looking to cover the full mortgage amount or a specified part, we have you covered.

3. Control over beneficiaries

You have the freedom to choose who benefits from the insurance payout, ensuring that the funds are used according to your wishes, whether for paying off the mortgage or covering other essential expenses.

Compare Mortgage Insurance vs. Life Insurance

Mortgage Insurance

Main Focus

Focuses on securing your home by paying off your mortgage if you pass away.

Who Gets the Money?

The payout typically goes directly to the bank or lender.

How Does the Coverage Change?

The amount of coverage decreases as you pay down your mortgage.

Cost Over Time

Often starts cheaper, especially with group plans, and is easier to get.


Mainly to protect your mortgage, not as adaptable to other needs.

Stays With You?

Tied to your mortgage and property, so it doesn’t follow if you switch lenders.


Matches your mortgage term, so it ends when your mortgage is paid off.

Life Insurance

Main Focus

Designed to provide financial support for your loved ones for various needs after your death.

Who Gets the Money?

The payout goes to the people you choose, like family members.

How Does the Coverage Change?

The coverage amount usually stays the same, offering consistent protection.

Cost Over Time

Cost is based on detailed personal factors but reflects broader financial protection.


Flexible use of funds; can cover debts, education costs, or even act as an inheritance.

Stays With You?

Stays with you regardless of changes in your living situation or mortgage details.


Can be chosen for specific terms or provide lifelong coverage, depending on the type of policy.

Mortgage insurance differs from traditional life insurance in that it specifically covers your mortgage balance, ensuring that your investment in your home is protected. This is particularly important as your home is likely your largest financial commitment and asset.

Key Benefits of Morgage Insurance

Our policies can be tailored to include not just the mortgage balance but other financial obligations. This comprehensive approach ensures that in the event of your passing, your family’s financial needs are broadly met, reducing their financial stress during difficult times.

Peace Of Mind

Knowing that your mortgage obligations will be taken care of, no matter what happens.

Financial Stability

Helps your family maintain their lifestyle in times of unexpected financial difficulties.

Flexible Terms

Adapt your coverage as your needs change with options to adjust term lengths and coverage amounts.

Protecting Your Home Investment

Every homeowner’s situation is unique, and so is their mortgage insurance. Let us help you find the right plan that offers the best protection for your specific needs and ensures that your home stays in the family.